Sele... what?

source: Wikipedia and
Why automation

X-Browser testing

Google Chrome Firefox
Apple Safari Opera Microsoft Internet Explorer

X-OS testing

Linux   Apple OSX   Microsoft Windows

Android   Apple iOS

What do we want to achieve?

        Calculator Demo
public interface ICalcPage {
    public double displayed();
    public ICalcPage clear();
    public ICalcPage divide();
    public ICalcPage multiply();
    public ICalcPage add();
    public ICalcPage substract();
    public double equal();
    public ICalcPage dot();
    public ICalcPage n0();
    public ICalcPage n1();

Developement vs. Testing

Developement vs. Testing
source: My Page Object Pattern code lab from last year (

Management conclusion

Management conclusion
source: My Page Object Pattern code lab from last year (

The demo application

Calculator Demo

The demo application

Calculator Demo

The demo application

Calculator Demo

The demo application

Calculator Demo

The Interface

package ch.racic.selenium.poptalk.calc;

public interface ICalcPage {
    public double displayed();        // This is the Display we see and we get it as a double.
    public ICalcPage clear();         // Define all the function buttons.
    public ICalcPage clearEntry();    
    public ICalcPage backspace();     
    public ICalcPage percent();       // I usually return itself as I'm lazy and the dot notation
    public ICalcPage divide();        // looks pretty cool when reading the code.
    public ICalcPage multiply();      
    public ICalcPage add();
    public ICalcPage substract();
    public double equal();            // On most tests we would need the displayed result anyway
    public ICalcPage dot();           // Let's just return it and save as some strokes.
    public ICalcPage n0();
    public ICalcPage n1();
    public ICalcPage n2();
    public ICalcPage n3();
    public ICalcPage n4();
    public ICalcPage n5();
    public ICalcPage n6();
    public ICalcPage n7();
    public ICalcPage n8();
    public ICalcPage n9();

The Tests

    @Test(testName = "Invoke", groups = {"init"})
    public void targetServerReady() {
        Assert.assertTrue("Page title is 'Calculator'?", driver.getTitle().equals("Calculator"));
    @Test(testName = "Reset", groups = {"init"}, dependsOnMethods = {"targetServerReady"})
    public void reset() {
        Assert.assertTrue("Starts with 0?", calc.displayed() == 0);
        Assert.assertTrue("Display changed to 5?", calc.n5().displayed() == 5);
        Assert.assertTrue("Display resets to 0?", calc.clear().displayed() == 0);
    @Test(testName = "Add numbers", groups = {"Operations"}, dependsOnGroups = {"init"})
    public void additions() {
        Assert.assertTrue("1+1=2", calc.clear().n1().add().n1().equal() == 2);
        Assert.assertTrue("4+5=9", calc.clear().n4().add().n5().equal() == 9);
        Assert.assertTrue("20+3=23", calc.clear().n2().n0().add().n3().equal() == 23);
        Assert.assertTrue("501+345=846", calc.clear().n5().n0().n1().add().n3().n4().n5().equal() == 846);

Some Selenium boilerplate for my test

    public void suiteSetUp() throws IOException {
        testconfig = new POConfig();
        // Initialize driver we want to use
        String browserToUse = testconfig.getProperty("browserToUse");
        if(browserToUse.equals("HTMLUNIT")) {
            driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(true);
        } else if(browserToUse.equals("FIREFOX")) {
            FirefoxProfile ffprofile = new FirefoxProfile();
            ffprofile.setPreference("intl.accept_languages", "en-us,en");
            driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffprofile);
        } else if(browserToUse.equals("CHROME")) {
            System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");
            driver = new ChromeDriver();
        } else if(browserToUse.equals("SAFARI")) {
            driver = new SafariDriver();
        } else if(browserToUse.equals("ANDROID")) {
            driver = new AndroidDriver();
        // load the calculator page
        // initialize our page object, we do it here as its a single page application
        calc = getPageObject(ICalcPage.class);

Look at the application source

<div id="result" class="display graygradient smallshadow">0</div>
<div class="row">
  <div id="calculator-button-ac" onmousedown="javascript:allclear();"><div>AC</div></div>
  <div id="calculator-button-ce" onmousedown="javascript:clearentry();"><div>CE</div></div>
  <div id="calculator-button-backspace" onmousedown="javascript:backspace();"><div>BS</div></div>
  <div id="calculator-button-÷" onmousedown="javascript:divide();"><div>÷</div></div>

The use of the HTML-ID attribute makes it quite easy for us to automate this application.

  • Even if there are no id's, we can use css, class, ... attributes
  • If nothing else helps, XPath to the rescue
source: modified version of

The Page Object Implementation

Define the fields we need

public class CalcPage implements ICalcPage{

    @FindBy(id = "result")
    private WebElement display;

    private WebElement clear;

    private WebElement clearEntry;

    private WebElement backspace;

    private WebElement percent;


The Page Object Implementation

Implement the action functions

public class CalcPage implements ICalcPage{
    public double displayed() {
        return Double.valueOf(display.getText());

    public ICalcPage clear() {;
        return this;

    public double equal() {;
        return Double.valueOf(display.getText());

<Thank You!>

You can find the source and this presentation @